Here you can follow the blow-by-blow account of my attempt to transform myself into a (regularly) published author.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Third Quarter Payment from Smashwords

I'm not getting rich yet, HA! but it's nice to see some income for writing that doesn't have a lot of overhead.

I've found Smashwords to be very good to work with. They take a reasonable cut, considering that if you get the format set up the way they want it, they will convert it into formats that work for HTML, JavaScript (beta), Kindle, ePub, PDF, RTF, LRF, PDB (Palm), and plain text.

The ePub format works with Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, and more.

If you get the format correct and are placed in the Premium Catalog, your book will appear on the Smashwords site and also on Apple, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo, the Diesel eBook Store, and perhaps more.

I highly recommend them. The first effort at formatting can be daunting, but I've written a guide to ease the process. How to Format a Book for Smashwords

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Turned in Monthly Newspaper Column

This was due Monday at noon, and I got it done on time. I had several ideas rattling around in my head, but the topic that won out was seasonal.

The title is "Hunters and Hikers- Can They Share the Woods?" I gave a few safety tips, and listed some local places where there are trails more than a mile in length that are closed to hunting. In Michigan, the gun-deer season is two weeks long. Many hikers prefer to just stay out of the public forests during that time, so having some alternate locations is nice.

The photo? Both groups are in pursuit of these critters... either with gun, bow, or maybe a camera!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Chapters 24-27 of News from Dead Mule Swamp

This weekend was really busy with other tasks with deadlines, but I managed to get them all done, and write four more chapters of News from Dead Mule Swamp. The story is getting spun out more than I expected, but that really is fine because it keeps the suspense up (I hope!).

Here's an excerpt from a phone conversation in Chapter 27:

    “Somebody must have thought Cliff was a threat,” I said, trying not to commit myself to a particular suggestion. Cora’s eyes were bright and she was shaking her head vigorously from side to side. I got the hint, but it felt like I had to choose between trusting Adele or Cora. However, I knew that Adele had no ability to keep a secret, so for now I sided with Cora.
    “Exactly!” Adele barked. “What are you and Cora doing?”
    “We’re still sorting old newspapers,” I said. It was almost the truth.
    “Let me know if you find something interesting.”
    “I will.” That was the truth too, as long as there was no time restriction placed on the promise.
I'm hoping to finish the first draft before November 6th. I have a beta reader who wants to take it on a trip with her.

Right now, my goal is to have the e-book available before the end of November. I'm deciding between POD and a short advance run of print copies.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Article for North Star

One of the things I needed to get done this weekend was an article for the next issue of North Star, the magazine of the North Country Trail Association. I don't get paid for those, but its one of the volunteer things I do for the trail.

I wasn't very enthused about the topic of this one, but that doesn't mean I could worm my way out of it. After all, I did agree to write it. The idea is to call to mind some of the women who have made great contributions to the NCT. I'm not a fan of gender distinctions, I'd rather just recall great people.

Nevertheless, I had fun looking back for some info on candidates for the feature, and in doing so found two additional articles I had written for the magazine.

I did complete this one, and sent it off to the editor.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Anastasia Raven Mysteries Fan Page

There is now an Anastasia Raven Mysteries fan page on Facebook. If you go there, you can read the opening paragraphs of the book.

It would make my day if you would "Like" it, and/or leave a comment.

For some reason, the code for the button to "Like" it directly isn't working properly, so you'll have to go to the page to do so. But, I know you want to read those paragraphs, anyway!

I've finally beat myself into doing some of the other work that I HAVE to complete this weekend. Hope I'll be back to finishing News from Dead Mule Swamp really soon.

Go to the Anastasia Raven Mysteries fan page

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chapters 22-23 of News from Dead Mule Swamp

Like Anastasia Raven on Facebook!

I am closing in on the final chapters of News from Dead Mule Swamp. The really sad part is that I have to work today, and the two other assignments I have pending must be completed this weekend.

These final chapters have to be done well or the mystery won't be suspenseful enough, or have enough action. I might get you to buy this first book, but you wouldn't want any others from me, right? So I want to pay really close attention to detail and timing and tone.

Here's an excerpt from Chapter 23:
    I was brushing my fingers over it to remove any superficial dirt when a hand was placed on my back. I nearly jumped a foot, and indeed, I barked a shin on one of the metal bars.
    “Good Morning, Ana. Are you fascinated by our historic machine?” The voice was Kevin Teeter’s; the tone was edgy.
    Rubbing my shin, I contemplated that tone. I turned, stood up and forced myself to be cheerful. “Mr. Teeter, Kevin, how are you?”
    “Fine, just fine.” he said. The sharpness was gone, and the salesman was back.

At this point there are still several people that Ana is suspicious of... which one is the key to her puzzle?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chapters 19-21 of News from Dead Mule Swamp

I seem to have hit a real writing jag on News from Dead Mule Swamp. I've written three more chapters, tied in a loose end nicely and dragged another red herring through the story in the process.

My writing group, West Side Gang, has heard 16 of the chapters. Our regular meeting was last night. I showed them the cover, and introduced them to Cora, the character who turned out to be so interesting. One person wrote on the copy (we discuss and annotate everyone's work) that she thinks Cora is a very likable character.

There are at least five chapters to go, but that might be pulled out into more if the plot needs them for full resolution. I have to work tomorrow, but I'm going to try to write one more chapter yet today.

Here's an excerpt from Chapter 21:
    “Did you take the things out?”
    Bella squirmed again. “Just to see what was there. I didn’t take anything, honest!” She glanced fretfully from Chief Jarvi to me, and finally settled on her mother as her best ally.
    “We know you didn’t take anything, Bella,” said Tracy. Everything was there except a piece of old newspaper.
    “I didn’t do it!” wailed Bella. “It must have been that man.”
    “What man?” we all demanded at once.

I definitely have other things I should be working on, but I don't want to let this spurt of creativity get away.