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Friday, June 24, 2011

Submitted "Secret Spring"

The poem, "Memory of Life," that I submitted for the Ludington Public Poetry Project was too long. They want shorter poems. I was completely uninspired until tonight when I read the poem "Mornings at Blackwater," by Mary Oliver. Suddenly, I had an idea based on a spring my dad showed me on our property when I was 14. I couldn't believe that I hadn't ever found it in all my years of roaming and exploring. The poem begins:

Secret Spring

My father told me about the secret spring
the year I turned fourteen.
I thought...

Ludington PPP is a small program that posts poems by local authors around town for people to read. The theme this time is Spring and Summer. I'd really like to have one poem posted, so I hope this one is more acceptable.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sounding Board

I spent the afternoon with a friend who also writes. She mostly writes poetry, but has recently begun a series of short essays. She has self-published two of her books of poems and one of them sells quite well (just to give her some credibility as to quality).

This is the second time we've gotten together this summer. She's been in California for two years. We do some visiting, but a lot of what we do is to read our works to each other, out loud, and ask for feedback.

It's a very constructive time, and we have fun too.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Program and Book Sales

The program went really well! Despite torrential rains and lots of lightning and thunder there were 50 people who showed up. The library that sponsored the program was really happy- that was a high turnout for their program series. I concur that it was a good turnout. I usually get large groups when the program is for an outdoor or hiking club, but not always so many when it's aimed at a general audience. This was also in my local area, part of the Pentwater Library summer series. I hadn't yet given this program locally, so that might have helped, although there were only about five people there that I knew.

I sold four copies of North Country Cache, and one copy of Devotions for Hikers, so that was also a great success. That's a good sales percentage for that size group.

And, one good "rule" of public speaking is that you should never leave a program without having the next one lined up. I may have pulled that off. If the man I spoke with follows through, I'll have a program in September.

I personally have difficulty pushing my books as hard as I need too. I tend to be more retiring when it comes to sales, and would like books to sell themselves. But that is totally unrealistic unless you happen to be on the NY Times Bestseller list (ha!). I think I did a pretty good job last night, for me.

Here's a piece of phenomenal news! Last week I paid off the last of what I borrowed from a couple of friends to publish North Country Cache. I still haven't paid off what I borrowed from myself, but all the money made tonight can begin to go toward that goal. Since I'll need cash for North Country Quest in the next year or two, that is a great milestone.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Getting Ready for a Program

I am giving one of my programs this evening, "The North Country Trail and the Kitchen Sink." It informs people about the trail through my own adventures on my end-to-end hike. It's also my best marketing tool for selling North Country Cache.

There are a few little tweaks I want to do for the program (nice that Power Point is so easy to work with!). I also have to redo my brochure which lists all the various programs that I can give. I now have my own digital projector, and so I need to remove the part that says I need one. I'm going to raise the price for my two keynote programs a bit too. Now that I AM the only woman to hike the entire trail, I think my credibility demands it.

Wish me lots of book sales! This is actually a local program, at one of the area libraries. I haven't given a local showing for a long time, and never of this particular program, so I'm hopeful of a good turnout.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Succintly Yours- Flash Fiction

Grandma's Goulash regularly runs a Flash Fiction challenge. Quite a few people enter. Here's my next installment of fewer than 140 characters (you can choose 140 characters or 140 words). The extra credit word is "fabricate." Here's the picture that is to be the inspiration:

Here's my story:

"Fabricate clews? Never! I am the sleuth extraordinaire, not the butler who did it. Excuse me, I spy a mote of sinister dust."


To see other entries visit Grandma's Goulash

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Check Was In the Mail

I've been holding my breath until I actually got paid for the article in Your National Forests. Not that I didn't think the Forest Service was good for it... I think I'm still in shock at how much they paid.

If you can actually read that, go for it. I'll just say that yes, there is a number higher than one in front of the word "hundred."

I've been told that writers actually get paid in this range once they are established and credible. It wouldn't break my heart to enter that circle.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Bio Added to Twin Trinity Books

My bio and an author interview has been added to the Twin Trinity Books store.

To see it, click on TTM Authors & Staff in the left sidebar, and I am number 48 (they aren't in any particular order).

Owner, Michelle L. Devon, says that the covers will be done and the books ready for purchase this weekend. And, she is offering a fantastic deal for early bird interest. Here's her offer:
We're offering you a special right now that if you sign up for an account on the Twin Trinity Media website prior to June 20th, we're giving you a $5 store credit. This is enough to buy several shorts, or you can use your credit to purchase a discounted copy of any of our fine paperback books
All books will be available in a variety of formats for Kindle, Apple iStore, nook, Mobi, and also pdf or plain txt for reading on the computer. Why not sign up right now before you forget, and you can buy some interesting stories as soon as Monday.