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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Paddy Plays in Dead Mule Swamp - Chapter 7

cover for Paddy Plays in Dead Mule Swamp cover design by Farah Evers
I was hoping to write two chapters this weekend, but so far I've only managed one. One is better than none!

I'm sort of hung up on wanting to have some action in Chapter 8, but I really need to bring in another conversation first... unless I can find a way around that. So I'm thinking about it. I know some people say, "just write" and figure it out later. But I do better if I figure it out first.

Here's an excerpt from Chapter 7:

    “There we are.” Paula’s gaze roamed over the dining room. “I need to get back to work, but it’s been nice to meet you. Stop in again. I’d like to know how those babies are doing.”
    “Some babies!” I said. “Maybe I’ll bring them here for a treat.”
    “That might work. But you should make sure they feel all right about coming, first. Star was old enough when it happened to have plenty of memories of her mother.”
Chapter 7 just sort of happened. The character and what she would have naturally done next dictated it. It wasn't in my original plan.

You can buy book 1, News from Dead Mule Swamp, for only 99¢ at Smashwords, or Amazon

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