I quickly discovered that my list is way longer than the 500-600 words I get to share with readers each time. Here's a sample:
Outdoor Women Who Inspire Me
Of course I had a Dale Evans cowgirl outfit, a red skirt and vest with long white fringe, complete with six-shooters and a holster belt. What self-respecting tomboy in the early 1950s didn’t? When I became the owner of an air rifle in my tenth year (I guess Dad trusted his extensive instructions to guard me against shooting my eye out), Annie Oakley became my new hero.
At about that same age I learned of Sacajawea and Mary Jemison. Many fine hours were spent stalking the banks of our unnamed creek in my hand-laced moccasins from a kit, pretending I was leading explorers up the Missouri.

Joan, I've reviewed News from Dead Mule Swamp on my blog. It was a great story. I'm looking forward to read about Paddy.
Thanks, Nellie!
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