I will give away a number of copies in proportion to the number of entries. 1-10 entries- 1 free copy. 11-20 entries- 2 people will get a copy, and so on. So you will always have a 1 in 10 or better chance of winning. If you want your copy in e-format, I'll send you a code as soon as the e-version is available (I'm still on track for December 1). If you want a paper copy, you will have to be more patient, as the date at which those will be available is uncertain at this point.
Winners will be determined by a random drawing. So how do you enter? You will have to do a little sleuthing, but the idea is to get you excited about the book.
Find the entries on this blog that have excerpts from News from Dead Mule Swamp, and make a list of the characters you find in those excerpts. (Hint: use the labels list to narrow the search from the entire archive!) You don't have to search for implied people... just look for names. Make a list of all the names you find and email it to AnastasiaJoyRaven@gmail.com. Please put NEWS from DEAD MULE SWAMP CONTEST in the subject line. Be sure to include your own name (and address if you want a paper copy). Tell me if you want digital or a paper copy.
All entries that have a complete list of the characters mentioned will be eligible to win a book. One entry per person. (But if you think you made a mistake, you can send a revised entry.)
Revised easier rules- find 12 names and get one entry. Find all 15 names and get two entries
Entries must be received before midnight EST November 30, 2011. Winners will be announced the first week in December.
Good luck! I hope I have to give away a dozen or more copies.
Don't forget to Like Anastasia Raven Mysteries on Facebook
I will have to pop back when I have five mins to spare. Great news about your novel, Joan.
I hope i can win, because this is my favorite lovely post, you did a good job!
Zero Dramas
Master Blogger- You will need to enter! I don't have an entry from you.
Back. Entered. Liked. :D
Of course, I would love to win a novel...and I'll be happy to post about it on my blog....too bad I couldn't have gotten a copy before my India trip - if I ever make it to India. I'm sure it would have made great reading on my flight. A mystery - right up my alley.
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