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Friday, August 5, 2011

How Chained to the Keyboard?

My laptop computer (only 3 years old) died completely on Monday. Not good timing. Is there ever good timing for this?

Frankly, I haven't done any real writing all week. My desktop, that I used to think was speedy, feels like a tortoise, and I can't make myself sit there and wait for it.

I used to say that my brains flowed out the end of a pen onto paper, and I wasn't sure I could make the transition to using a computer keyboard. Although I was a good typist, a typewriter was never my preferred method to write. However, I quickly adapted to a keyboard-- a long time ago.

Now, this week, I can't make myself write by hand. A new laptop is ordered and I should have it today or tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Hope you got your new laptop, Joan. My hadnwriting has deteriorated badly in the last few years. I only write shopping lists and cards, and address envelopes by hand these days. And have to do it sl,owly and carefully so that it is legible.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Jean- I did. I'm just chasing my tail here- have to go to bed so I can get up in a couple of hours. Hope I can sleep! Sorry about your hands.