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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Open Mic at Redolencia

The Ludington Visiting Writers hosts an open mic poetry night once a month at a nice coffeehouse in Ludington. The theory is that it will be once a month, but I guess it doesn't happen quite that often. At any rate, this was my first time to attend.

It was such a small group that we didn't even use the mic, but just sat around a table. Four people read poems that they had written, myself included. There were a number of different styles, which made it fun.

I read a "cautionary tale," in the classic style, entitled "Helen, Who Annoyed Her Siblings and Learned a Nature Lesson."

I suspect the crummy weather kept some folks away, and Ellen had a cold, so she didn't come. This networking stuff is hard work for me. I'd rather hide out.

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